Monday, December 19, 2011

Gingerbread House

Since Thomas had the day off from work we thought it would be a good time to decorate our gingerbread house. Julia was eager to help out! She wanted to do it the day I brought it home from the store.

Daddy was putting up the walls of the gingerbread house with the help of Julia.

I was so glad Andrew woke up just as we started so he could be a part of the decorating too. Not that he helped or anything but it was nice having him there.

Julia did a great job of decorating the gingerbread house and eating the candies and of course the icing.

Julia and Daddy having fun!

Mommy and Julia decorated the roof of the house.

We had lots of fun decorating the gingerbread house. Thomas wanted to start eating it right away but I wanted to leave it out as Christmas decoration.

Looks pretty good. What do you think?

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