Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Cookies

This morning we made Christmas cookies and Julia was the best helper ever! She really is getting older and able to do so much more. Every year Thomas and I make the Christmas cookies his mom makes and this year we had even more fun than ever with the help of Julia. She really got into baking the cookies this year! The anise chocolate chip Christmas cookies are my all time favorite kind of cookie and I'm so glad Julia likes them too. We've all been having one for dessert each night after dinner...yummy! This year they taste even better than ever!

Julia is all ready and making sure we have all our ingredients! Actually we were just wasting time since Daddy ran to the store since we didn't have enough anise (Oops...who did the grocery shopping?)

Julia did such a great job stirring. She even said this is hard work, I need to rest.

Showing Daddy the cookies before we put them in the oven.

Julia had to make sure all the cookies were ready and in the shape of a ball. Her apron that she got last year for Christmas from my mom has been quite useful. We look forward to making cookies again next year with Julia and Andrew since it's one of our favorite traditions.

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