Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas Card Photos

Taking a photo of Julia and Andrew for our Christmas card was no easy task. We tried it a few different times and ended up picking one from the first time we tried. Many times Julia would look good but not Andrew or Andrew looked good and not Julia.

I love this one of Julia looking at Andrew and he has a big smile. She just loves him!

I took a few of Julia by herself and they came out great...much easier to take a photo of one kid.

Julia is such a happy little girl.

Gotta love this one! We tried again a different day but didn't have much luck. Julia is so over taking photos and Andrew is exhausted. Once you get our Christmas card you'll see the one we picked.

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are just adorable. The last one is so funny, both of them. I can't believe they fit in the basket together. I will be waiting to see the Xmas card.
