Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas 2011

Christmas morning around the Brown house was a ton of fun! This was Julia's reaction when she saw that Santa came to our house and left presents...How exciting! This year it was definitely an American Girl Christmas for Julia! Almost everything Julia got came from that store. Thomas thought we bought the whole store but of course he has no idea since he's never even been there.

First she opened her big present from Santa.

She was quite excited to find out it was a changing table. Thanks Santa!

Some toys for her baby Chloe, Elmo and Curious George.

Julia was quick to get Elmo, Chloe and Curious George and change all their diapers. We had many messy diapers today from Julia's little friends but she was a great mommy and took care of all of them. She realized it's hard work being a mommy.

Opening the highchair from Aunt Kim and Uncle Bradley.

Elmo was the first one to check out the highchair and it was a perfect fit.

Andrew took his long morning nap like usual and joined us in the fun of opening presents after he ate of course. He definitely has his priorities first and then anything else after that.

Thomas took Julia to a new sports store at The Avenues and she picked out this basketball for was such a perfect gift.

We are so lucky to have two great kids...we're so thankful!

Julia really enjoyed opening presents and her stocking this year. She got so many nice things and at dinner she was able to tell us how she was thankful for all the new things she got from Santa and her family. It was very sweet when she listed off everything she was thankful for today.

It was nice having my mom here to celebrate Christmas with us. Andrew was all smiles but Julia isn't much into having her photo taken lately.

One group photo...Merry Christmas from our home to yours!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! Especially the one of Julia and Andrew smiling. It Iis so hard to get both of them to smile together. Julia certainly showed her excitement about Santa coming to Northridge Drive.
