Yesterday Andrew had his 6 month well visit with Dr.
Bleekrode and everything went great. Our boy is growing quite well but that's not a surprise. He weighed 16 pounds 15 ounces which puts him close to the 50
th percentile. I think he's a big guy so I can't imagine what a baby in the 75
th or even 90
th percentile for weight would look like...a pretty chunky baby I guess. Anyways his height is in the 90
th percentile at 27.5 inches long and his head was 45 cm. We're going to start oatmeal on Saturday so Thomas can be around as well when he gets to try his first bite of food. Julia says she'll help feed him a little but mostly watch. It's been fun to compare Julia and Andrew's measurements. When Julia was 6 months old she weighted 11 pounds 9 ounces which was the 5
th percentile and she was 25.5 inches long which was between the 25-50
th percentile. Granted it's different since we have one girl and one boy but it's so interesting how much they vary in size. He got two shots and Julia felt bad for him since she hates getting shots...she's tells him, 'You'll feel better soon Baby Andrew.' Andrew is doing a great job sitting up with the help of the
Bumbo that I'm borrowing from a friend. Oh, I almost forgot to mention but the last two nights Andrew has gone 11 hours without eating. On Monday night he ate at 7:00pm and woke up at 10:30pm but Thomas got him back to bed and then he woke up at 5:30am so I fed him and he
stayed up for a little while and played. Last night I fed him at 6:45pm and he woke up at 1:00am but Thomas got him back to bed again and then he woke up at 6:30am to eat. I still got up at 1:30am to pump but it looks like the boy is learning to sleep through the night which is a big relief to us. Hopefully this trend continues.