Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Julia decided she wanted to do Reflections again his year.  The theme for this year was 'Let Your Imagination Fly.'  After talking about the theme and what it meant she decided to draw clouds to represent her dreams and the butterflies are all her ideas or her imagination.  Last year she won second place for Kindergarten and we didn't really think she would win again but she likes to draw so why not enter just for fun.

Checking out her drawing on Gallery Night before the winners were announced.

Some of the kids who did Reflections this year.

We were honestly shocked when they called Julia Brown as second place winner for 1st grade for visual arts.  She was shy walking up and getting her award but was very excited to get another award this year.

Me and my little girl.  I helped her to understand the theme and talked her through what she could draw and we went out together and matted her drawing.  I love spending time with this girl no matter what we're doing.  Way to go Julia and another Reflection award!

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