Saturday, October 17, 2015

Another Fair Trip

Since we had free tickets to get into the fair and some free ride tickets and besides the fact it was a beautiful day we decided to go to the fair again.  The kids were thrilled to be going again!  We only had enough tickets to go on a few rides since we weren't buying anymore.  Julia picked the swings as one of her favorite rides from our first fair trip.

Looks like fun!

Andrew picked the ferris wheel where you are in a cage.  Waiting to get on.

The last ride we did was the chair lift.

Selfie on the chair lift.  Super sweet story.  We only had enough tickets left for three of us to ride so we decided to let Thomas ride with both kids and I would walk back and meet them where they get off the chair lift.  Julia was concerned if I would be upset if they rode with dad and not me but I said no it's fine. I got to ride a few rides with them the other day and now it's dad's turn.  They got in line and I started walking back and they found out Andrew didn't need tickets to ride so Julia was all excited and said now mom can ride and came running to get me.  So sweet!

It was fun checking out the fair from up high.

Sweet Julia on the way home looked so cute I had to take a picture.  We also shared a funnel cake but it wasn't as good as the foot longs at the New York State Fair but good enough. Another fun time as a family.

1 comment:

  1. It's like were back at Disney. Nice picture of you and Julia Nicole!
