Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Texas Trip...Day 3

On our third day we went to Herman Park to ride the train and enjoy the great outdoors.

Cousins waiting for the train.

The boys giving Julia a sweet!

It's always fun riding the train at Herman Park.

Feeding the pigeons.

Feeding time!

My sweet family...I just love them!

My sister Kim with her little kiddos.  Alexander (almost 4) and Victoria (14 months).

At night the boys went to a basketball game and the girls when downtown to check out the lights.

Just the girls!

 While we were looking at lights the boys went to a Rockets basketball game and had a blast...maybe even more fun than the girls.  It was cape night and the boys got a cape which made going to the game that much more fun.

 My brother in law Bradley and my nephew Alexander ready to cheer on the Rockets.

 Thomas and Andrew ready for a fun night!

 Looks like the Rockets scored and Andrew and Alexander are giving each other a high five.

 Andrew is all ready to hold up the brick to help break the concentration of the opposing team while shooting a foul shot.

And to top the night off the boys even got up on the big screen.  I'm so glad the boys got to go to the game...Andrew absolutely LOVED it!


  1. Loved Julia's picture by herself, the boots make her look very grownup! Also, the enthusiasm written all over Andrew's face speaks louder than words.
