Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Andrew's Thanksgiving Feast

We always look forward to the Thanksgiving Feast at the preschool and we were so exited to be a part of Andrew's first feast at school.  His cute place mat made with his hand print.

These are the five things Andrew said he was most thankful sweet!

My little Indian and a very cute one indeed!

Andrew's three year old class.  Andrew is definitely one of the younger ones in his class with a birthday of June 3rd.  They sang a few songs before we enjoyed our feast!

Andrew and a buddy of his Grant.  Andrew doesn't talk much about the kids in his class by name unlike Julia at his age.

We're very thankful Daddy works so close and could join us for lunch!

The boys enjoying the feast.  Obviously I always bring Andrew to school and pick him up so when he saw Daddy there he was quite excited!

Me and my little guy who doesn't love going to school like Julia and would rather stay home with me always says yes when I ask him if he had fun at school.

Two of our favorite teachers...Ms. Marjorie and Ms. Dana.  Actually it was Ms. Dana's last day since she adopted a boy a year ago and is now fostering a one year old her family is needing her at home instead of working.  We'll sure miss her but understand her decision to be at home with her kids and wish her the best of luck!  We sure are thankful for these teachers and for our little guy Andrew...he has really added so much laughter to our life.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy that Andrew is enjoying his time at school. You can tell how much he likes it by the smiles. In all his pictures he is smiling and looks so happy.
