Saturday, November 29, 2014

Texas Trip...Day 6

All the kiddos in their jammies after they got their ornaments from Alexander and Victoria's Nana.  Love how Julia is holding Victoria...she sure loves her!  

Group photo before our long car ride back to Georgia.  Most of Team Dennison is still in their jammies.  It's a 12 hour drive which took us 15 hours but we did it all in one day rather than spending the night somewhere.  We had such a fun time with my sister and her family and can't wait to get everyone together again real soon!  I'm so sad the photo of my sister and I with our kids came out blurry...we always take one like that when we get together.  Julia had lots of tears when we left and was a very sad girl.  It took quite a long time for her to calm down...she is definitely my girl with a sensitive heart.  

Friday, November 28, 2014

Texas Trip...Day 5

After the Thanksgiving Holiday our elf Griffin always comes to stay with us for the month of December.  Since we weren't home it was so nice he surprised us with a special breakfast at my sister's house complete with chocolate donuts, chocolate milk and a Christmas activity book and a new pair of Christmas pajamas along with a special note!

Checking out their special breakfast.

Sweet Julia is showing Victoria her note from her elf named Cole...named after me.

The kids are enjoying their donuts and their gifts from their elves.

Julia has been wanting a winter nightgown and her elf Griffin brought her one so she was super excited!

Alexander is checking out his sticker book from his elf.

After our special breakfast we went to see the play Madeline's Christmas which we all loved.  It was a great way to kick off the Christmas season.

We owned a copy of the book so we brought it along and got it signed by Madeline.  Such a great show!

After lunch and naps we headed to the park a few blocks from my sister's house to burn some energy.  Can Victoria and Andrew get any cuter?

Victoria is a little climber and Julia is trying to be a helpful older cousin.

Andrew had fun testing out the monkey bars with Daddy.

Alexander absolutely loves Julia and she absolutely loves him too!  He was constantly hugging her and she loved it!

Cousin love!

Andrew navigating the playground equipment.

The boys giving Julia a kiss and obviously by the look on her face she loved the boys kissing her.

Now Victoria's turn but she doesn't look as thrilled as Julia.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Texas Trip...Day 4

Happy Thanksgiving!  Our Thanksgiving started out with a 5K turkey trot which was great fun.  My sister asked how I've been doing with my running lately and wanted to know if I wanted to do a 5K on Thanksgiving morning. Since I've always wanted to do one I said yes even though my running habits have been slacking lately.  I think I did pretty good for my first 5K and for not running much lately.  Definitely want to do another one sometime soon.

Looking tired at mile 2.

Excited to be done and we only walked twice for a little bit.

First 5K done and so glad I completed it with my sister!  After the race we went downtown for a parade and then back to my sister's house for showers and to prepare our dinner.  It was definitely a busy day but I found time to reflect on the things I'm most thankful for and hopefully you found time to do the same.  We truly have many things to be thankful for each and everyday.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Texas Trip...Day 3

On our third day we went to Herman Park to ride the train and enjoy the great outdoors.

Cousins waiting for the train.

The boys giving Julia a sweet!

It's always fun riding the train at Herman Park.

Feeding the pigeons.

Feeding time!

My sweet family...I just love them!

My sister Kim with her little kiddos.  Alexander (almost 4) and Victoria (14 months).

At night the boys went to a basketball game and the girls when downtown to check out the lights.

Just the girls!

 While we were looking at lights the boys went to a Rockets basketball game and had a blast...maybe even more fun than the girls.  It was cape night and the boys got a cape which made going to the game that much more fun.

 My brother in law Bradley and my nephew Alexander ready to cheer on the Rockets.

 Thomas and Andrew ready for a fun night!

 Looks like the Rockets scored and Andrew and Alexander are giving each other a high five.

 Andrew is all ready to hold up the brick to help break the concentration of the opposing team while shooting a foul shot.

And to top the night off the boys even got up on the big screen.  I'm so glad the boys got to go to the game...Andrew absolutely LOVED it!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Texas Trip...Day 2

Our second day started off with a trip to Firetruck Park.  Alexander wanted to take us there and we're so happy we got to check out this fun park.  Of course they had a fire hydrant at fire truck park!  Group photo of cousins having fun together!

Little Miss Victoria having fun climbing up the rock wall.

Julia was quite proud of herself for being able to jump off this wall and land on her feet without falling. Action photo of Julia jumping!

Sweet Andrew staying close to Daddy.

Victoria had lots of fun crawling around and checking things out.

Big cousin Julia pushing Alexander on the swings.

Doing some drawing later that night.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Texas Trip...Day 1

Since Julia had the week off for Thanksgiving we thought we'd make the trip to Texas to visit my sister and her family.  It was a long drive but we're so glad we did it.  It was great to see them and the kids all had fun playing together!  Julia was so excited about seeing Victoria!

Such cute girls!

This was Julia's stroller when she was little so we of course passed it onto Victoria.  I have a similar photo of Julia pushing it when she was little hence why I love this one of Victoria playing with it.  Such a great little stroller when they're learning how to walk.

After dinner we headed out to get my favorite dessert in Houston which happens to be only a few minutes from my sister's house.  Banana, strawberry and nutella crepes.  Delicious!

Two giggling boys!

Looks like Victoria even enjoyed it!

Lots of smiles after enjoying their crepes.