Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Winter Storm 2014 - Day 1

It started snowing around 11:00 or so and we didn't know if there would be enough to go sledding but we got plenty and had so much fun playing in the snow.  So glad Daddy's work closed early so he could easily get home and enjoy the snow with us too.  It took many people around Atlanta numerous hours to get home if they were lucky since many were stranded on the roads and didn't make it home until sometime the next day.

Andrew wasn't quite sure what to think about all the snow.  His first encounter with the white stuff and he had a blast.  Thomas and Andrew went back outside again later and he didn't want to come inside but it was getting colder and dark so it was clearly time.

Checking out the white stuff.

Looking super fancy in her tutu to go sledding.  She insisted on wearing a tutu to go sledding so we put on a few layers first and then added the tutu.  There was a lot of debate about what to wear.  Thomas think it's going to be funny when she's 13 and I think it's going to be crazy because we're already having discussions about what to wear.  She definitely cares what she wears everyday and wants to have a say.  She clearly wants to wear a dress, skirt or tutu everyday even when it's freezing.

Being pulled on the boogie board before sledding down our hill in our backyard.

Julia decided to give it a go by herself.

My little guy Andrew loved sledding.

Julia and Mommy going down the hill sideways and backwards.

Trekking back up the hill for another ride down on the boogie board.

Daddy taking Julia and Andrew for a ride down the hill.

Sledding is hard work trying to get everything situated.

Here she goes!

Daddy helps a little with a push.

Andrew and Daddy's turn.


Mommy and Andrew have another turn. Of course we were out there when it was really snowing.

Back inside in our jammies and nice and warm with some hot chocolate.  Looks like it will still be around tomorrow to go outside and play again. Yipeee!


  1. It looks like CNY! I am so glad that the kids got to go sledding, they had so much fun.

  2. I picture of Julia catching snowflakes on her face is beautiful!!! It should be in a book.
