Sunday, January 26, 2014

Julia Turns 5

Well we all slept at the hotel even though there was some doubt it would happen.  We almost took Andrew back home since he wouldn't go to sleep.  I think he finally fell asleep around 11:00 and Julia fell asleep before midnight since she took a nap.  It was a late night for sure but everyone woke up happy and excited about the day.  It's hard to believe my little girl is 5 years old already.  She really is the kindest girl I know and I am one lucky Mommy.  First she opened a few presents and then we got ready to head back home.

All packed up and ready to go home and open a few more presents.

After stopping at Einsteins to get some bagels we're back at home and Julia was excited to open her other presents.  Grandma got her the trundle bed from American Girl and now all her dolls have a place to sleep.

We got her the bedding that goes along with the bed so her dolls will be warm.

Setting up the bed and getting everything ready.

We also got her the styling supplies such as a hair dryer that actually makes noise and things like that so she can do their hair.  She loves spraying their hair with water and brushing it.

Putting on her new ice skating outfit from Nana and Papa.

Julia can be shy at times (not as much as before) but she really likes it when people sing Happy Birthday to her.  Glad we had extra cookie cake from the party for us to sing to her too!

Making a special birthday wish.  Happy Birthday to my sweet girl!  I look forward to what the year ahead has in store for us.


  1. Love the picture of Julia smiling at the candles before she blows them out. Also, very happy to see the tutu PJs made to the birthday celebration in the hotel, you sure know what Julia wants Nicole!!!

  2. She saw those PJs at the store and wanted them.
