Monday, January 27, 2014

Julia's 5 year old questions

I asked Julia these same questions last year and it's so interesting to me but many of her answers are the same.  It's going to be neat to see how the answers change over the years.

How old are you? 5 years old
Who is your best friend? Grace
What do you want to be when you grow up? a Mommy
What makes you happy? coloring
What makes you sad? when somebody hurts me
Favorite food? chicken meatballs and corn
Favorite breakfast? english muffin and orange juice
Favorite lunch? string cheese, Minnie Mouse ham sandwich, water, fruit drink, goldfish
Favorite snack? raisins and pretzels with water
Favorite dinner? chicken meatballs and corn
Favorite dessert? cookie cake
Favorite toys? dolls
Favorite color? pink
Favorite song? Andrew, I Love You (the song she made up)
Favorite TV show? Caillou
Favorite movie? Cinderella
Favorite book? Rainbow Magic The Fashion Fairies chapter books
What do you like to do outside? play on the playground
What do you like to do inside? play with dolls
What do you like most about school? seeing my friends and learning

1 comment:

  1. I love her answers. She still has chicken meatballs on her list, they are keepers. Also, the color pink and her dolls. Has she been singing the song to Andrew lately? It is very special, I love it.
