Saturday, January 25, 2014

Julia's Birthday Party

We had lots of discussion about what to do for Julia's birthday party this year and for some reason we seemed to be dragging our heels on how to celebrate.  Finally she decided to stay over night at a hotel and go swimming.  At first she just invited her best friend Grace from school but then Jennifer invited her to her birthday party so she decided to invite her too.  I'm glad it wasn't a big party since those seem to get a little crazy at times but whatever she wanted was fine with me.  Last year she was sad when Grace couldn't come because she was sick so this way if anyone was sick it would be easy to reschedule.  We stayed at the Marriott right off 400 at exit 11 near where Thomas and I use to live before moving into our house.  Julia loved staying at the hotel when we drove to Texas in November so this seemed like a special birthday treat.

Grace, Julia and Jennifer.  Julia met Grace at school and Jennifer is in her speech class on Tuesdays.  Both are sweet girls.  

The girls are ready to go swimming.

After swimming for a while we went back to the room and had cake.

There was a table in the room but only one chair and then one desk chair so we set up some towels and enjoyed cake on the floor.

Julia loved her cookie cake.  So yummy!

After cake and presents we headed back to the pool for more swimming.

Grace and Julia swam around the pool holding cute!

They had such a great time just being together!

We sure are going to miss not being in the same school as Grace next year.  I guess we'll just have to have more play dates instead.

Towards the end of the party Julia's ear was hurting and initially we thought she had water in it.  But since she was complaining about it a lot we knew it was something else so we took her to the doctor and she ruptured a blood vessel in her ear.  After some Tylenol and ear drops along with a short nap in the car she was feeling back to normal.  Andrew and Julia hanging out in the hotel room enjoying some sour patch kids and watching a movie.  Glad she was feeling good for the party and got to spend time with two of her friends.

1 comment:

  1. I can say that bursting blood vessels in your ear hurts very much because the very same thing happened to me in the airplane coming home at xmas. The party looked so cute, wish we were there. Julia looks very pensive in her first picture, I wonder what she is thinking about. Very pretty.
