Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Winter Storm 2014 - Day 2

It was nice that Thomas' work closed on our second day of Winter Storm 2014 so we could all enjoy it together.  I thought the kids would be up for more sledding and I tried to get them to go with me since I really wanted to but today they were more interested in shoveling the driveway.  Who would have thought?

Lots of fun running through the white stuff.

Beach shovel works well for snow shoveling too, a multi-purpose toy.

Such good teamwork.

Andrew was so funny checking out the snow.

Showing me how much snow she shoveled at one time.  Such a good worker!

A dust pan works well for snow shoveling too!

Such fun times playing in the snow!  Looks like things will be getting back to normal in a few days with temperatures getting above freezing.  It was definitely fun while it lasted and we were so thankful to be at home together and not stranded somewhere.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Winter Storm 2014 - Day 1

It started snowing around 11:00 or so and we didn't know if there would be enough to go sledding but we got plenty and had so much fun playing in the snow.  So glad Daddy's work closed early so he could easily get home and enjoy the snow with us too.  It took many people around Atlanta numerous hours to get home if they were lucky since many were stranded on the roads and didn't make it home until sometime the next day.

Andrew wasn't quite sure what to think about all the snow.  His first encounter with the white stuff and he had a blast.  Thomas and Andrew went back outside again later and he didn't want to come inside but it was getting colder and dark so it was clearly time.

Checking out the white stuff.

Looking super fancy in her tutu to go sledding.  She insisted on wearing a tutu to go sledding so we put on a few layers first and then added the tutu.  There was a lot of debate about what to wear.  Thomas think it's going to be funny when she's 13 and I think it's going to be crazy because we're already having discussions about what to wear.  She definitely cares what she wears everyday and wants to have a say.  She clearly wants to wear a dress, skirt or tutu everyday even when it's freezing.

Being pulled on the boogie board before sledding down our hill in our backyard.

Julia decided to give it a go by herself.

My little guy Andrew loved sledding.

Julia and Mommy going down the hill sideways and backwards.

Trekking back up the hill for another ride down on the boogie board.

Daddy taking Julia and Andrew for a ride down the hill.

Sledding is hard work trying to get everything situated.

Here she goes!

Daddy helps a little with a push.

Andrew and Daddy's turn.


Mommy and Andrew have another turn. Of course we were out there when it was really snowing.

Back inside in our jammies and nice and warm with some hot chocolate.  Looks like it will still be around tomorrow to go outside and play again. Yipeee!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Julia's 5 year old questions

I asked Julia these same questions last year and it's so interesting to me but many of her answers are the same.  It's going to be neat to see how the answers change over the years.

How old are you? 5 years old
Who is your best friend? Grace
What do you want to be when you grow up? a Mommy
What makes you happy? coloring
What makes you sad? when somebody hurts me
Favorite food? chicken meatballs and corn
Favorite breakfast? english muffin and orange juice
Favorite lunch? string cheese, Minnie Mouse ham sandwich, water, fruit drink, goldfish
Favorite snack? raisins and pretzels with water
Favorite dinner? chicken meatballs and corn
Favorite dessert? cookie cake
Favorite toys? dolls
Favorite color? pink
Favorite song? Andrew, I Love You (the song she made up)
Favorite TV show? Caillou
Favorite movie? Cinderella
Favorite book? Rainbow Magic The Fashion Fairies chapter books
What do you like to do outside? play on the playground
What do you like to do inside? play with dolls
What do you like most about school? seeing my friends and learning

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Julia Turns 5

Well we all slept at the hotel even though there was some doubt it would happen.  We almost took Andrew back home since he wouldn't go to sleep.  I think he finally fell asleep around 11:00 and Julia fell asleep before midnight since she took a nap.  It was a late night for sure but everyone woke up happy and excited about the day.  It's hard to believe my little girl is 5 years old already.  She really is the kindest girl I know and I am one lucky Mommy.  First she opened a few presents and then we got ready to head back home.

All packed up and ready to go home and open a few more presents.

After stopping at Einsteins to get some bagels we're back at home and Julia was excited to open her other presents.  Grandma got her the trundle bed from American Girl and now all her dolls have a place to sleep.

We got her the bedding that goes along with the bed so her dolls will be warm.

Setting up the bed and getting everything ready.

We also got her the styling supplies such as a hair dryer that actually makes noise and things like that so she can do their hair.  She loves spraying their hair with water and brushing it.

Putting on her new ice skating outfit from Nana and Papa.

Julia can be shy at times (not as much as before) but she really likes it when people sing Happy Birthday to her.  Glad we had extra cookie cake from the party for us to sing to her too!

Making a special birthday wish.  Happy Birthday to my sweet girl!  I look forward to what the year ahead has in store for us.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Julia's Birthday Party

We had lots of discussion about what to do for Julia's birthday party this year and for some reason we seemed to be dragging our heels on how to celebrate.  Finally she decided to stay over night at a hotel and go swimming.  At first she just invited her best friend Grace from school but then Jennifer invited her to her birthday party so she decided to invite her too.  I'm glad it wasn't a big party since those seem to get a little crazy at times but whatever she wanted was fine with me.  Last year she was sad when Grace couldn't come because she was sick so this way if anyone was sick it would be easy to reschedule.  We stayed at the Marriott right off 400 at exit 11 near where Thomas and I use to live before moving into our house.  Julia loved staying at the hotel when we drove to Texas in November so this seemed like a special birthday treat.

Grace, Julia and Jennifer.  Julia met Grace at school and Jennifer is in her speech class on Tuesdays.  Both are sweet girls.  

The girls are ready to go swimming.

After swimming for a while we went back to the room and had cake.

There was a table in the room but only one chair and then one desk chair so we set up some towels and enjoyed cake on the floor.

Julia loved her cookie cake.  So yummy!

After cake and presents we headed back to the pool for more swimming.

Grace and Julia swam around the pool holding cute!

They had such a great time just being together!

We sure are going to miss not being in the same school as Grace next year.  I guess we'll just have to have more play dates instead.

Towards the end of the party Julia's ear was hurting and initially we thought she had water in it.  But since she was complaining about it a lot we knew it was something else so we took her to the doctor and she ruptured a blood vessel in her ear.  After some Tylenol and ear drops along with a short nap in the car she was feeling back to normal.  Andrew and Julia hanging out in the hotel room enjoying some sour patch kids and watching a movie.  Glad she was feeling good for the party and got to spend time with two of her friends.

Friday, January 24, 2014


I tried to get a close up shot of Andrew's injury but he didn't want me to get close enough to get a photo. Thomas snapped this photo two nights after the injury while we were on Facetime so he was distracted...somewhat.  He tripped on a bump in the carpet and fell and hit Julia's door.  He has a cut right by his eye and even his eyelid turned black and blue.  He was quite upset when we put a band-aid on after it happened since it was bleeding.  Thankful it wasn't any worse than it was.  

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Julia the Mommy

Julia continues to love her baby dolls...she takes such good care of them and is going to make a great Mommy one comes so natural to her and it's in her blood. She just loves babies!

Nowadays she's been busy taking care of three babies!  She loves to feed them, change their clothes, take them to their activities, give them a bath, fix their hair and the list goes on.  She plays with her dolls everyday and when she wants to play with us it is usually to plays dolls with her.  It's really cute to watch her be a Mommy and sometimes she'll even get Andrew to be the Daddy.