Monday, May 14, 2012

Warbington Farms

On Saturday afternoon we went on our annual strawberry picking adventure.  This year we went to Warbington Farms which is right in Forsyth County.  They just opened last year and we tried it out but they didn't have much to pick.  However, Thomas insisted we try it out again this year and it was great.  They had plenty to pick and the strawberries were delicious.  The only downfall was I forgot to bring my camera so instead I took some photos of Julia and Andrew enjoying the strawberries at home on the deck.

We had to feed them to Andrew since he tried putting the whole strawberry in his mouth.  He loves strawberries and fruit in general so he's been happy to help us eat our gallon of strawberries.

How many would he eat if I let him?

Julia was a great help at picking and cleaning the strawberries this year. We all loved them that we may have to make another trip there soon! Nothing better than a fresh strawberry.  YUM!

1 comment:

  1. Those strawberries look delicious. Nice pictures with all the red in them.
