Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Dinnertime is always a busy time at our house. Andrew always seems to know what's going on and isn't interested in playing while we make dinner.  Instead he wants to be held and that's not always easy as we're trying to make dinner.  Then at times Julia wants to be held too so what's a Mommy to do.  Tonight I sat down and held Julia and Andrew while Thomas finished making dinner.  I must say I love having a little girl and a little boy.  I'm so lucky that I get to experience all the girly stuff with Julia like painting nails, shopping, princess things, fashion, and so on while getting to experience all the boy stuff with Andrew such as wrestling and any other boy things that he gets into as he gets older.  It really has been such fun and I look forward to all the fun experiences ahead.

1 comment:

  1. Another great picture of the 3 of you!!!! I don't know where you have room on your lap for the 2 of them together.
