Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Final Class - Ballet Recital

 Today was Julia's last ballet class for the year.  Ballet has been the first organized activity that Julia has participated in and she did such a great job.  She has worked hard all year being a great listener to her teacher Miss Julia and she's gotten stronger and of course she's had fun.  This is actually the 2 year old ballet class since that's how old she was when she started so they don't preform on stage this year but they will next year.  Instead they do an in class presentation for the parents.  We asked Julia what her favorite part of her ballet recital was today and she said that 'Mommy and Daddy got to go in the room and watch her.'  Isn't that so sweet?

 Our little ballerina giving us such a great smile.

 Look at how high her bottom is off the floor and how level her body is...such great form!  She has gotten so much stronger.

Showing off some of her dance moves.

 Andrew was such a good boy during the performance.  I'm sure he'll be sitting through many more ballet shows in the years to come.

 Class photo at the end of the performance.

 At the end of each class the girls get a stamp for working hard but today they got balloons instead.  Julia was very excited to get her balloons from Miss pink one and one white one.

Of course every great dancer deserves some flowers. Pink flowers, of course.

Julia and her ballet teacher Miss Julie.  Ballet has been such a fun weekly activity for us that we'll miss it during the summer.  Looking forward to starting again in September with Miss Julie as her teacher. Julia, we're so proud of you!

1 comment:

  1. Julia looks beautiful in her new tutu. She is doing what the teacher does and I see the others don't appear to be listening as intently. The look on her face is very excited, I can tell how much she loves the class. She is a one in a million little girl!
