Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Julia still loves the swing as much as she ever did.  Nowadays she always uses the big girl swing and loves for me to give her an underdog and swing way up high.  Gotta love her outfit...fancy indeed just like Fancy Nancy.  You may not believe it but Julia is wearing a bathing suit, tutu, and of course her normal outfit for the day.  Lately she loves to wear her bathing suit and says she's going to the beach.  Can't wait for us to go to the beach....we're in the process of planning our beach vacation in Hilton Head and I think Julia's going to love it!

Andrew had a good time in the swing as well but isn't quite ready for an underdog quite yet.  He always giggles and smiles the most when Julia pushes him...I guess he thinks it's funny.


  1. He is soooo cute in the swing. He always looks older than his age. Yeah for Julia in the big girls swing.

  2. Andrew looks very relaxed in the swing. Julia is such a big girl on the regular swing. She looks very confident.
