Sunday, May 13, 2012

Backyard Photos of Andrew

 On Friday when Julia was taking her nap I took Andrew on the back deck and snapped a few photos of our little cutie who is almost one year old.  He may not be the best napper or sleeper but he sure is one cute little guy who always makes me smile.  Lately his naps have been a bit more regular and taking a morning nap at 9 and another at 2 in the afternoon.  More often than not they are very short (30-45 minutes) but once in a while he'll sleep for 90 minutes.  He's still nursing about 5 times a day and eats pretty much whatever we eat but will also eat baby food if we're on the go.  He's a happy little guy who says 'mama' for about anything and everything.

Love this one...I wonder what he's thinking about???

1 comment:

  1. Those could be professional pictures, very beautiful shots, I kept them.
