Friday, April 13, 2012

Visit with The Boyce's

On Saturday afternoon we visited with my half brother Lee and his family. It was great to see them and for them to meet Andrew and to see how Julia has changed. Nancy got them some great books along with lots of other fun stuff too!

Jess was so sweet and read Julia her book called 'If I Could Keep You Little.' Such a cute book since my little girl is growing up so quickly. It's all about wanting to keep your little one little but then you'd miss out on tons of other things so her growing up is both happy and sad at the same time. So true.

So great to visit with The Boyce Family. If you ever want to take a trip feel free to come and visit us in Atlanta...we'd love to have you!


  1. I can't believe how old Nancy's kids look. Time flies. Nice pictures. I am glad that Julia got to meet some family members and know more about them.

  2. Loved seeing everyone. Julia and Andrew are just adorable. And as Susan says, time does fly. I just love this picture.

    Kim, both Andrew and Julia were very shy around Lee and Eric, but love Jessy:)
