Friday, April 13, 2012

Coloring Easter Eggs

Coloring Easter Eggs with cousins was such fun! Leah joined in on the fun too!

Take a guess as to what color Julia used first when coloring her eggs? Of course it was pink! The girl loves pink. She used some other colors too but she definitely preferred using pink.

Molly and Julia coloring eggs.

We started using our hands and our fingers got dyed too.

Tyler really got into coloring eggs. He used lots of different colors unlike Julia.

Look at all the eggs! Whose going to eat all those?

Once they were dry it was fun using stickers to decorate them. Julia was sweet and made a blue one for Andrew.

Andrew took and good nap that morning and woke up towards the end of egg coloring.

1 comment:

  1. I still have 2 of those eggs in my frig!!!! It was a lot of fun, hope we can do it again next year!
