Thursday, April 12, 2012

Airplane Ride

Julia has always done great flying and this time was no exception...she did fabulous but I wasn't surprised. We put a few Dora episodes on the IPAD and she used our headphones and watched them and enjoyed a snack. Andrew did well but he is definitely my wiggle bug. On the way to New York he slept for about 30 minutes and the ride home he stayed awake the whole time despite trying to get him to sleep. Thomas and I passed him back and forth since he's an active guy. At one point I walked with him towards the back of the plane to try to get him to fall asleep but then there were so many new things for him to look at that he wasn't interested in sleeping.

On the way home Julia enjoyed watching Dora too! They both did great and it was so much fun traveling with them...they just make everything so much more fun!

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