Saturday, April 14, 2012

Easter Egg Hunt

This year we were in New York for Easter so we left a few baskets on the fireplace in hope that the Easter bunny would leave a few treats in there and he did. Julia by far liked her pink umbrella the best along with her make-up and of course the chocolate. Andrew got a plaid pair of shorts, a Polo shirt, and some yogurt melts since the Easter bunny knew he didn't eat chocolate. Before Julia even picked up her basket she picked up Andrew's basket and gave it to was so sweet! She really is such a nice girl.

Checking out the pink umbrella in her jammies and a tutu...the perfect combination. As we were packing for New York Julia said we needed to pack her tutu too. Hence we brought it and she wore it a few times.

Looking at the rest of the treats in her Easter basket.

The egg hunt is on.

Julia had fun finding all the eggs at Nana and Papa's house...some were pretty tricky to find this year.

Just being our sweet girl! We hope you enjoyed your egg hunts too. Happy Easter!

1 comment:

  1. I will never forget how thoughtful Julia was to bring Andrew his basket before she even looked in her own basket. It was such a beautiful gesture from someone who is her age. It made me feel so good inside. She is surely one very special little girl!
