Friday, April 13, 2012

Visit with Another Boyce Family

On Saturday evening we went to visit my brother and his family. We had fun and it was great to see their new house...maybe not so new anymore but new to us. Julia and Andrew had fun playing on Chelsea's bed. Often times Julia will grab Andrew like this and hug him.

Andrew is checking out Chelsea..whose this? Chelsea looks super cute with her hair a bit shorter..she just recently got it cut since it's always been really long.

Grandma and Julia playing around and being silly.

My brother and Andrew.

My brother and his wife with Julia and Andrew. Kyle is in the background but we missed Beau and Chelsea.

My brother drives a truck and based on the expression on Thomas' face it looks like being a truck driver is something Thomas has always wanted to do.

1 comment:

  1. I love Chelsea's shorter hairstyle! She looks more grown up. I remember when Thomas wanted a motorcycle, we laughed at him and teased him a lot. Now he appears to be on to bigger and better things.
