Tuesday, March 6, 2012


We're all having so much fun seeing Andrew crawl around and get into things. He has found the door stoppers and plays with those just like Julia did and just yesterday he discovered the handles on Thomas' dresser and stayed there for a while just holding it and smiling. It's so fun watching him explore things and see new stuff for the first time. Julia is still my little love bug who has gotten very good at coloring. I showed her how to hold a marker and she's been doing such a great job ever since. She knows all her uppercase and lowercase letters along with the sounds they make. We'll continue to do things with letters and numbers to be sure she retains everything she's learned. She loves going outside and playing too! I love this photo of Julia and Andrew while we were playing the other day..they just mean the world to us!

1 comment:

  1. I want Julia to come and help me with my laundry, I agree she would make the work pleasant. Good job Julia!
