Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Doing Laundry

On Saturday I was upstairs holding Andrew and trying to do laundry at the same time...multitasking (hence the unmade bed). I was kinda talking to myself saying I need help and before I knew it Julia was climbing up the stairs saying I can help. She helped take out Andrew's clothes from the dryer and then climbed up on our bed and started folding his clothes for me. It was so cute I had to take a few photos. She folded all the clothes and I folded the towels, blankets and sheets. I was so proud of her and at dinner she was so sweet and reminded me that I could be thankful that she helped me do Andrew's laundry...I was very thankful to have such a great helper.

Julia did such a great job of folding his clothes...I guess she's seen me do laundry before. I must say doing laundry is always more fun with Julia than doing it alone. Thanks Julia for being such a great helper!

1 comment:

  1. I posted my reply to the entry on the one before it about playing. Those clothes look pretty neat on the bed. I think she takes after you, a neat freak. It runs in the family! I love things nice and tidy.
