Saturday, March 24, 2012


Last weekend we went for a walk on the Greenway and enjoyed the nice weather and the great trail that we have so close to home. We brought Julia's bike along with her stroller and she rode her bike for a little bit and then pushed Elmo in the stroller for a bit. Don't you just love her pink helmet? Julia absolutely LOVES pink and I love it. Anything we see that is pink she says she likes it even if she has no idea what it is.

Hard to believe this is Andrew...but it's him. He definitely looks much older than a 10 month old in this photo. He enjoyed relaxing in the stroller during our walk but then again who wouldn't enjoy that. I just love his blond hair and his big blue eyes. We're so thankful to have Julia and Andrew and not a day passes where we don't think about how lucky we are to be their parents.

1 comment:

  1. You know that I love the CREEKWALK! If we ever move there I'm getting a house at that development that runs along there. Julia and Andrew look like that they are still loving the walkway,too. Remember all the people commenting on both of the children when Bill and I took them there in February. They are irrestible. True beauties!
