Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Georgia Aquarium

On Monday I took Julia and Andrew to the Georgia Aquarium for the first time. We met my friend Leigh and her son Bradon there and we all had a great time. It was so nice going during the week since it wasn't that busy.

Julia really liked the beluga whales the best. The one on the right is pregnant and expected to have a baby soon (another month or so). Julia kept asking me questions about the whale having a baby...she was quite interested. She wanted to know why the whale was going to have a baby and if it had to go to the hospital. Lots of questions from a curious three year old. Once we got home we listened to the song Baby Beluga by Raffi.

Checking out the dolphins before the dolphin show. I like dolphins and I was telling Julia about the time when her Daddy and I were kayaking in the Outer Banks and dolphins were swimming around our kayak and one jumped over the front of our kayak..how cool.

I carried Andrew the whole time in the Baby Bjorn so he could see everything too. Right towards the end I turned him facing me so he could fall asleep since he was exhausted. It worked and he fell right asleep.

It was so fun just hanging out and looking at the fish without having to make your way through a crowd.

Stingrays. I still can't believe Thomas and I went swimming with Stingrays while we were in the Cayman Islands for our 5 year anniversary.

Julia and Bradon enjoyed looking at the huge tank with so many different kinds of fish and sharks. It definitely was a relaxing place to hang out.

A goodbye hug. It was so nice meeting up with Leigh and Bradon.

1 comment:

  1. That hug at the end is precious. He looks like a very nice boy. I am glad Julia had such a good time and got to be up close without big crowds there to interfere?
