Friday, March 9, 2012

Julia Visits the Dentist

On Thursday Julia visited the dentist for the first time. About two months ago Julia went with me to my appointment to see what going to the dentist is all about and now it was her turn. Ms. Pam was so great with Julia and showed her the tools she uses to clean her teeth. Julia was a bit apprehensive about the whole experience and they were only able to count her teeth and polish a few in the front. They said it was fine since the whole point of the first appointment is to have a positive experience and that we did.

As you can see Julia is as far away from Ms. Pam as she can be. She got to wear some cute pink sunglasses since the light is so bright. She was even more apprehensive once the dentist came in to check her but they were both great with her and hopefully at her next appointment Julia will feel more comfortable. I must say I'm not surprised by the way Julia was at the dentist. She is very timid around people she doesn't know and it takes time for her to feel comfortable around new people and new situations. When we left she said she wanted to go back to the dentist again which is a good thing.

1 comment:

  1. Very cute pictures even if she wasn't too sure about the whole thing. She certainly is not like her father regarding medical visits. The only thing Thomas didn't like was his allergy shots. Now a days it is probably good that kids are not too friendly around strangers.
