Monday, January 9, 2012

Playing at Home

On Saturday afternoon Thomas met up with a friend to watch the Syracuse basketball game and Julia, Andrew and I had fun playing at home. Andrew is pushing up so high when he's doing tummy time and moving his legs and pulling his leg up all in preparation for crawling which will be the next milestone he reaches. Even though I just know he's going to get into everything we're looking forward to seeing him crawl all around the house. Despite not watching the game Andrew still wore his orange and blue to support our hometown team. I must say he's one happy little boy!

I love this! He looks like he's swimming with his hands and legs in the air and only his belly touching the ground.

The little guy is still drooling a ton but it actually seems like it's a little less so there may be an end in sight for wearing bibs all the time.

Julia really enjoys playing with her three friends Elmo, Curious George, and Chloe. It is by far her favorite thing to do.

Such a sweet girl and she was the best helper and such a great listener when Daddy went to watch the basketball game. Thanks Julia for being such a great kid! We love you!

1 comment:

  1. Those smiles can melt my heart. Julia is looking very grown up, too.
