Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Bathing Suit for Chloe

On Monday we made a trip to the American Girl store at North Point Mall to spend the money her Nana Farrell gave her for Christmas. Julia has been saying that she wanted a bathing suit for Chloe so we went to the store and I showed her a few things she could get with her money and she picked out this cute bathing suit for her American Girl doll. She was so cute carrying Chloe and the bag around after we paid for it. Thanks Nana Farrell...Julia had fun picking something out at the store.

Julia is so cute holding Chloe and excuse the messy playroom but it seems like it's a mess most of the time...then again it's a playroom so that's fine. Yes I know the beach ball looks hilarious stuck in the lamp and I'm sure we can all figure out who put it there.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see Chloe in her new clothes when I visit!
