Monday, January 23, 2012

Good Morning!

We're so fortunate that we don't have to wake Julia up early to get her ready so we can both go to work and everyday we're reminded of this and it's so nice. Julia isn't one who wakes up and gets rights out of bed. She enjoys lying there for a bit and then getting up...just like me. A huge thanks to Thomas for working hard to support our family...I can't imagine missing all this time with Julia and Andrew. This morning Julia was was being silly and took off her pajamas and lied back down so I threw a blanket over her since it was a little chilly. Our little love bug has a queen size bed and for whatever reason she insists on sleeping on top of the pillows. However, when she takes a nap she only lies her head on the pillow and not her whole body. Such a silly girl!

Hiding from Mommy! I hope you had a great morning too!

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