Saturday, January 28, 2012

Julia's Birthday Party

We had Julia's birthday party on Saturday with her friends at the house. Julia decided to invite Cole and Sunny from our playgroup, Caroline, Whitney, and Liam from our neighborhood, Scout whose parents worked with Mommy, and Reagan from her ballet class. She wanted to invite two other girls from ballet but we just didn't think we would have the room for everybody. These are the cute goody buckets for her friends filled with a banana, Curious George fruit snacks, m&m's, and a Curious George necklace. Julia helped me put the buckets together for her friends.

When we decided it was going to be a Curious George party I looked online and found these cute monkey cupcakes. I figured I could make them and they turned out great...don't you think?

The birthday girl along with Elmo in the pink and blue car seat from the American Girl store that she got from Nana and Papa for her birthday. She loves this car seat and brings it everywhere. Later that evening I found out from Thomas that she carried it into Publix when she went with Daddy and Andrew before the party. Picture this...Thomas carrying Andrew in his car seat with one hand and holding Julia's hand with the other and then Julia carrying her car seat with her other cute!

The kids really enjoyed the Curious George book - Curious George Goes to a Chocolate Factory.

The cute scrapbook banner that I made for Julia. I may have to do this for all the birthdays.

Everyone had fun playing Bingo. For many it was their first time playing Bingo but it went very well. Thomas made a cute Curious George Bingo game that was a hit!

Julia did great at her first game of Bingo. Actually she was one of the first kids at the party to get a Bingo.

Bingo game in action.

Sunny was the other kid who had Bingo at the same time as Julia. Sunny takes ballet at Cumming Dance Academy too except she goes on Saturdays. Hopefully they'll be in the same class next year.

Scout wore the perfect shirt for the party.

I met Cole's Mommy at storytime at the library and found out she organizes a Mommy and Me Playgroup. Soon after Julia and I started going to the playgroup and met many other great girls and their kids. She has another little boy who was born in August so only 2 1/2 months younger than Andrew. Such fun to be raising our kids together.

I think Julia's favorite part of the party was when everyone sang Happy Birthday...she loved it!

For some unknown reason Liam decided he didn't need to use his hands to eat his cupcake. His face got messy but not his hands.

Whitney is such a cutie who lives down the street...she needs to finish the fruit snack in her mouth before she eats her cupcake.

Caroline is Julia's friend from down the street. She is two weeks older than Julia and she is her favorite dancing partner when we go to concerts during the summer.

Reagan (and her brother Tristan) is in Julia's ballet class and happens to live down the street as well.

Andrew was exhausted but didn't want to miss the party..too much excitement. I love how he's snuggling right into his Daddy!

He just couldn't keep his big blue eyes open any longer. Goodness I love this little cutie!

Julia's friends gave her such nice presents.

Julia had so much fun with all her friends.

Julia and Scout saying goodbye to some of her friends. Of course she's carrying around the car seat.

Julia sitting with all her birthday presents.

After everyone left Mommy, Daddy and Julia played Bingo and Julia was the caller. It was so cute to see her be the caller.

Giving her Daddy a hug!

Julia and I went for a walk but it was pretty short since it was a bit cooler than I expected. Again we brought Elmo in the car seat along too! She seriously would have slept with car seat if we allowed it.

Julia wanted to take Elmo for a ride in her car and since he's a baby he needed to be in his car seat. The only problem was her car was too small and the car seat didn't fit. However, she was determined to see if she could make it fit. It was such a great day and we're so thankful for all of Julia's friends since she talks about them often. Thanks to all her friends and their families for spending part of your Saturday with us and making it an extra special day for our little girl.


  1. I love everyone of these pictures. I agree with Kim, I feel like I was there. I especially like the ones with Scout hugging Julia, you can see how much she loves Julia.

  2. Happy Birthday Julia! We so enjoyed celebrating. These pix capture the party perfectly!
