Thursday, January 26, 2012

Outside Fun

A little while ago I bought Julia a tutu that was on sale at Gymboree Outlet and I was so excited since it was only $10 bucks. I though for sure she would love it since it was pink but she said she didn't want it so I brought it back. I then decided if I brought her to the store to pick one out herself she'd want to wear it. So on Tuesday morning we went to the store and she picked out such a cute tutu. After we got home Andrew took a nap and it was so nice outside that we decided to go outside and play. Julia does such a great job of pretend play and when we were playing outside she decided to drive Curious George to the tutu store to pick out a tutu. It was so cute as she was driving him in her car and I was the worker at the tutu store. What fun!

Beep, beep...look whose coming!

Julia and Curious George are on their way to the tutu store. They're on a mission to find the perfect tutu for Curious George.

We even got to take a tiny walk...not too far since we had the monitor so we could listen for Andrew.

Looking so cute in her new tutu.

Having fun enjoying the nice weather.

We just love this little girl! After all that fun we went inside and made tutus for Curious George and Chloe.

1 comment:

  1. George and that car with Julia brings back good memories of this summer when we hung out in the garage and Julia drove the car all around. I can't wait to see her in her car again.
