Saturday, November 26, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from the Browns! Andrew was looking so cute in his Thanksgiving outfit from Nana and Papa with a cute little turkey on his bum. We were glad to have my sister and her family in town for Thanksgiving this year since she's my best friend.

My sister and I took our two boys for a walk in the neighborhood in our carriers before we even ate our Thanksgiving dinner. Both boys fell asleep and we had quite a walk back up the hill carrying a bit more than our own weight. It was such a nice day for a walk in the neighborhood followed by a little time on the playground.

Alexander isn't much of a napper unless you hold him so Brad was more than happy to snuggle with the little guy and take a nap after eating.

Andrew was all smiles and is such a happy baby.

It was quite a busy day with Julia not feeling 100% so the apple pie didn't get made until after we ate our Thanksgiving dinner. It actually wasn't a bad thing since we got to enjoy it more since we weren't so full. Julia enjoyed rolling the dough for the pie and says she needs a rolling pin for her kitchen. She definitely loves to help me when I'm cooking!

Julia Kimberly Brown with her Aunt Kimberly who she is named after. I'm really lucky to have such a great sister! There are many things we're thankful for this year but most importantly our health and each other. We hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

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