Sunday, November 20, 2011

Potty Time!

This past Monday we started potty training Julia. I've wanted to start for a while but the timing just wasn't right. In September I wasn't ready and we were so busy in October and then November came and Julia was sick for about 2 weeks. Once she got better I thought I need to do it now or it won't get done until after the holidays and Julia was clearly showing many signs of being ready to wear underwear. We decided to stay home all week so we could focus on using the potty. On Monday morning we had three accidents and then the afternoon went great. On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday we only had one accident. On Friday and Saturday we didn't have any accidents and on Sunday she started telling us that she had to use the bathroom instead of us asking or just making her sit every 30-45 minutes to try. After using the bathroom she always gets to put a Sesame Street sticker on her chart that Daddy found at CVS and she gets 2 M&M's. When she has to go she says, "The pee pees are coming." She's been doing so great and we're so proud!

1 comment:

  1. That's my big girl! She is growing up fast. I'm really glad that Thomas found the sticker chart it is perfect for Julia. Sesame Street was what Thomas watched every day while he sat on his potty chair in front of the TV. I know it sounds gross, but it worked.
