Saturday, November 26, 2011

Andrew and Alexander

My sister, brother-in-law, and nephew Alexander got into town on Wednesday morning for Thanksgiving and for Andrew's baptism. Alexander and Andrew are only about 6 months apart so I'm sure they're going to love playing together as they get older. Alexander was such a cutie crawling all around the house and checking things out!

Andrew and Alexander had fun hanging out together. I think it was nice for both of them to see someone else about the same size as them. Alexander enjoyed climbing over Andrew but he better watch out the next time we see them since Andrew will be ready for payback.

Such a cute picture of Andrew and Alexander playing in Andrew's room.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love the picture of the boys together. Tha second one is so funny because it looks to me like Andrew is checking to make sure what Alexander is doing. Maybe he doesn't trust him very much. Kind of worried that he might get crushed.
