Sunday, November 6, 2011

Look Whose Rolling Over

One day after Andrew turned 5 months old he rolled over from his back to his tummy. On Friday while Julia was napping I was playing with Andrew in his room on the floor and he was so close to rolling over. When Thomas got home from work I told him that Andrew was very close to rolling over and sure enough after dinner Thomas put him on the floor to try it and he did it! It was pretty neat that he waited for Thomas to be around to do it so he didn't miss out. Today while Julia was napping I was playing with him on the floor in his room and he was rolling over again. I grabbed the video camera but the battery wasn't charged so I got the camera instead to take some pictures of him in action. Here's a few pictures of him rolling over without any help. It's so cute to watch him as he's working so hard...way to go Andrew!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Andrew did it, I like his face in the last shot it looks like,"so there I did it!" He is very cute and I want to see him and hold him.
