Monday, May 23, 2011

Water Shoes

On Saturday afternoon we set up the sprinkler in the yard since it was 90 degrees. We thought Julia would enjoy running through the sprinkler but she didn't like the feel of the rough grass on her feet. So on Sunday we went out and got her a pair of water shoes. We've been meaning to get her a pair of shoes for the pool anyways so now she's all sorted for summer fun. As soon as she got out of bed this morning she wanted to put on her new shoes which she calls flip flops and no hurt toes. I tried a pair on her a little while ago but she said 'hurt toes.' It was so cute as she definitely let me know that she didn't like them. Hey they even match her PJs.

Close up shot of her cute water shoes. She likes them!


  1. I want some shoes like that, they look comfy.

  2. She is getting older. Here you can tell she is working to smile, rather than just us taking 50 pictures and posting only the two that happen to have a smile.
