This week we did D is for Dinosaur and we had fun. We decided to paint the letters again since we haven't painted since letter A. For letter B we used butterfly and bee stickers and for C we used cotton balls. Once we're finished Julia will have two alphabet books that she made on her own, one for capital letters and one for lowercase letters.
Julia decided she wanted to paint both big D and little d and mommy just watched.
This week we did big D with stickers and little d with the Do-A-Dot markers. She loves doing this activity each week.
We also sorted big D and little d letters. Julia did great with this activity as well. At the end of week she said D says 'dddd', C says 'cccc', B says 'bbbb', and A says 'aaaa.' She went through and did the sounds that the letters make which was really neat. Sometimes she'll say the c sound for the letter d but I'm so proud of how she's doing with her letters and sounds.
It's amazing how smart she is, letter sounds are hard. Yeah, Julia!