This past week we just started doing a letter a week and of course we started with letter a. Julia already knows all the capital letters and some of the lowercase letters. But I thought this would be a fun way to reinforce the ones she knows and learn the ones she doesn't know and start learning the sounds the letters make although she knows some of those too. Each day we did a few activities with big A and little a. Monday we started off by painting the letters and she decided she would paint big A but she wanted Mommy to paint little a. I took a few pictures throughout the week to show you a few things that we did.
The next day after nap we worked on our big A and little a activities and Julia was excited to do some more things with the letters. She absolutely LOVED using these Do-A-Dot markers and even asked about them the next day when I said it was time to do some things with big A and little a. I think we'll be doing this activity each week for a while since it was a favorite. I was quite impressed with how well she did with putting the marker right in the circle. I showed her how to do one and she did the rest without any help. Such great eye hand coordination.
We also used the computer a few days and she liked that as well. Here she is using and putting the big A and little A in the correct baskets.
On Friday Mommy made a big A and little a out of play-doh. Julia didn't help too much but enjoyed watching.
As a special treat on Friday we made Apple Shakers. I cut up some apples and put them in a bag. Julia poured in some cinnamon and sugar and what else but shook them up. We both enjoyed eating them, they were yummy! Thanks to my friend Jenny for sharing the idea of doing a letter a week and for passing along some great websites for getting ideas. She's doing it with her son who is 6 months older and he enjoys learning the letters as well. Stay tuned since next week is the letter B.
Hey, first thing, I see that Julia is still fitting into the cute pink sweater, I loved seeing it again, brings back memories of her dressing Elmo in it. Anyway, that is wonderful that she is learning her letters. That marker reminds me of a bingo dabber. She is very good at it and we are so proud of her. Keep up the good work Julia!!!!!
Hey, first thing, I see that Julia is still fitting into the cute pink sweater, I loved seeing it again, brings back memories of her dressing Elmo in it. Anyway, that is wonderful that she is learning her letters. That marker reminds me of a bingo dabber. She is very good at it and we are so proud of her. Keep up the good work Julia!!!!!