Monday, August 29, 2016

Andrew's First Day of School

Just a few pictures to capture Andrew's first day in the young 5's class at Cumming First Baptist Church.  I think he was more than ready to start school this year since Julia has been in school for a few weeks already.  I love all the different facial expressions of Andrew.  I just love this kid...he truly makes me smile!  I'm so glad I get to see him at school sometimes and he said his first day of school was great.  Looking forward to another great year at FBCWP.

Andrew has been wanting a nerf gun for a while so I thought that would be a great first day of school present.  Here's him a few days later playing with it.  Thomas hung up the batman plate so he could shoot at it.  Silly looking guy in his protective glasses.  

Friday, August 26, 2016

Open House for Andrew

Open House for Andrew wasn't what I expected but it all worked out in the end.  This year Andrew is at First Baptist Church in the young 5's class.  His teachers are Mrs. Lyons and Mrs. Ringel.  Mrs. Lyons is the lead teacher on the left and Mrs. Ringel is the assistant on the right.  Mrs. Lyons is new at the preschool but she's taught at another preschool before and Mrs. Ringel has been at First Baptist for a while and everyone says you will absolutely love her...she's the sweetest!  Since I am working at the preschool now I wasn't able to take Andrew to his class during the 'normal' time and Thomas had a meeting downtown that day so he couldn't take him either.  The preschool provided childcare for teachers kids but needless to say Andrew would not go in the room and all he wanted to do was go to his classroom.  I walked him back to his classroom and his teachers said he could just hang out in there and do the scavenger hunt with them and then play in there while I was meeting my kids in my classroom.  As I went back to my classroom with tears in my eyes I had to pull it together so I could meet my new little friends.  I am beyond thankful for his two teachers who more than happily let him stay in there and just play because after all that's where he wanted to be.  It looks like he has the sweetest teachers ever and we're looking forward to an amazing last year at the preschool for this little guy.

Andrew is in the bear paw room this year and he's excited to start back at school since Julia has been going for a few weeks now.

Andrew was thrilled to have Chase who is one of his best friends in his class again this year.  I'm ecstatic for him to have a good friend in his class too!

These two buddies are going to have a blast!

While I was in my classroom meeting my new students Andrew did a few activities in his class and then played with the cars.  He was more than happy to be there which helped out with the Mommy guilt I was feeling.  Overall a great morning and I absolutely love how sweet his teachers are this year.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Cheerleading Jamboree

Julia has decided to stop doing dance and try something new and she decided on cheerleading.  Today was her first cheerleading jamboree.  She's been having practices twice a week for an hour each and then the games will typically be on Saturday mornings.  So far she is really enjoying it so we're thrilled!  She knows many of the girls on her squad which has made it a ton of fun for her.  Haleigh, one of her best friends from Kindergarten is on her squad too.

The girls all ready to cheer for the football players.

I can't remember the name of this cheer...I guess I should ask Julia.

Our little Wolverine Cheerleader!

Here's Julia being a flyer.  During practices they have been working on lifting each other up with the help of their coaches and junior coaches.  At first she wasn't sure but she's becoming more comfortable with being a flyer and even enjoys it.

 Mommy and Julia after the first Jamboree is over.  Ready to go home and enjoy the rest of the weekend with my sweet girl!  

Friday, August 19, 2016

Sweet Boy

I love how every once in a while Andrew puts his arm around Julia.  I just think it's so sweet!  He's such a gentleman.

Yes, Julia loves wearing her cowgirl boots!  I'm not a huge fan of them but I must say they look cute with her outfit.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Julia's First Day 2nd grade

Wow, 2nd grade!  I loved teaching second grade.  I hope Julia has another great year at Kelly Mill Elementary.  She has absolutely loved Kindergarten and First Grade and met some great friends.  She looks so tall to me in this this really my baby girl?

All smiles for the first day of school.

Julia!  She's such a beautiful girl it's hard at times to believe she's my daughter.  I just love her!

I always get the kids a little present on their first day of school.  I don't usually just buy them toys for no reason but just a little something for the first day because I know it's always a bit of a nervous day for them with everything being new.

So excited about the new glitter markers.

Checking out her new Shopkins.

Andrew taking a peek at her gifts too.

Not a bad photo that Andrew took of Julia and me.  Julia said her first day was 'Great.'  I know she's missing her friends from last year but she'll meet new friends and love them as much as her friends from last year.  Looking forward to an amazing year!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Open House for Julia

Ready for a great year in second grade with Mrs. Berry!  I loved teaching second grade so I hope Julia loves it too!  Mrs. Berry has been teaching for 10 years and she's been in second grade for the last 5 years I think.  It looks like she has some experience and it will be a year full of fun and learning.

Coloring a picture of a favorite summer activity but more interested in checking out her new classroom.

Good friends from Kindergarten but unfortunately none of them are in the same class together.  Haleigh, Alison and Julia.  At least they are on the same cheerleading squad.

I love having a copy of her daily schedule so I know what she's doing at different times throughout the day.

I was so happy to see only 21 kids in her class this year!  So much better than 25 like last year.