Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Julia's Awards Day

It's so hard to believe first grade is coming to an end rather quickly with only a few days left.  I can't believe my little baby girl is going to be in second grade.

She's so excited about her award of Kind and Caring Classmate which was chosen by her classmates and we can't be more proud of the award she received.  Being kind and caring goes a long way in life and is such an important quality to possess.  Way to go Julia!

The kids loved receiving their awards and then we watched a slideshow of pictures from throughout the year.

Julia and her teacher Ms. Head.  She was such a sweet teacher and Julia will definitely miss her.

Julia and her first grade best friend Braya.  Sweet girls!

 I love these two photos Ms. Head added into the slide show of Julia and shared with us.

Besides having her hair done differently and missing one front tooth I don't think she looks all that different.  What do you think?


  1. I always cried at those end of year videos when I was working. The last day of school was always a video of the year with an assembly for the whole school. Such great spirit, I loved it so much. The kids would cry and hug each other. Very emotional. I really miss it all.

  2. I don't think Julia change very much at all either. Her teacher is adorable. I think she will definitely miss her.
