Monday, May 30, 2016

Bring on Summer

Even though our pool was open for a few weeks our first day getting there was on Memorial Day.  We met Julia's friend Ansley from across the street and the kids had a blast!

Ansley is a year older than Julia and they have a ton of fun together and we love how she lives right across the street.

Two sweet girls having fun!

Ansley was such a trooper giving a piggy back around the pool.

Big smiles for the start of summer and ready for lots of trips to the pool.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Julia's Last Day of School

Another year has gone by very quickly and here we are at the end of first grade and ready for second grade. Hard to believe but it's true!  I'm always so glad to see my girl when I pick her up.

Ready to squirt Julia with some water squirters as a way to celebrate the last day of school!

Dad was hidden around the corner and got her unexpectedly.

We had one filled with water so she could get us back.

Look at this sweet girl!  More than ready for a summer of fun with her!

 As a special last day of school treat we went to Chill Hill.  The kids love picking out the different candy to add to their ice cream.

 Andrew loved the last day of school treat too.  Lots of gummy bears, gummy worms, M&Ms cherries and sprinkles.

Good to the last drop!  Bring on summertime!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Julia's Awards Day

It's so hard to believe first grade is coming to an end rather quickly with only a few days left.  I can't believe my little baby girl is going to be in second grade.

She's so excited about her award of Kind and Caring Classmate which was chosen by her classmates and we can't be more proud of the award she received.  Being kind and caring goes a long way in life and is such an important quality to possess.  Way to go Julia!

The kids loved receiving their awards and then we watched a slideshow of pictures from throughout the year.

Julia and her teacher Ms. Head.  She was such a sweet teacher and Julia will definitely miss her.

Julia and her first grade best friend Braya.  Sweet girls!

 I love these two photos Ms. Head added into the slide show of Julia and shared with us.

Besides having her hair done differently and missing one front tooth I don't think she looks all that different.  What do you think?

Monday, May 23, 2016

Julia's Field Day

Originally field day was scheduled for Friday but had to be postponed to Monday since it was a rainy day.  Thomas was supposed to volunteer on Friday but with it being rescheduled to Monday he couldn't help out because of some meetings.  Julia was a bit bummed about that but Andrew and I went for the whole time and Thomas managed to make it for a while to watch her complete a few events.

Julia and Braya working together...teamwork.

Dribbling a ball.  She did well but something we can definitely work on at home.

She said this was one of her favorite activities.

Not quite sure what was going on here.

Another event was the hula hoop.  I looked over and Julia was balancing it for a while so I had to snap a picture.  She did much better at this than last year.

I was actually quite impressed with how much she improved.

Having loads of fun showing off her hula hooping abilities.

I think this one is called chicken football.  Calder vs. Julia

Hop with a ball between your funny.

Balance an egg on a spoon with your hand on your head.

The younger siblings who were watching even got a chance to participate in the egg balancing event.

Julia and her best friend from first grade Braya.  Julia doesn't go nuts over field day like some kids but she had a great time.  

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Sleeping Forts

Sometimes the kids make forts during the day but this is the first time someone has made a fort and slept in it.  Andrew must not have been exhausted at bedtime and decided to make a fort.  I went in to check on him before bed and this is how I found him.  Of course I took it apart since it probably would have fallen on him but not before I took a photo.  

The next night I go in and check on him and had to laugh.  Yes, he is under that fort and I'm not sure how he managed to get himself covered so well but he did.  Of course I took apart this fort too after I took a photo.  Such a silly little boy!  

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Andrew's Graduation Night

The older sisters waiting for the program to begin.  Julia's good friend Braya from her class has a younger brother who is in the same class as Andrew.  So cute siblings friends with siblings.

Braya, Julia and Calder are all in the same class this year and they all have four year old brothers in the program.

Andrew is in the middle in the light green shirt.

He's all ready to sing.

Andrew shaking hands with the director of the preschool.

It's hard to believe 4 year old preschool is over and we're out for the summer.  Chase and Andrew became such good friends this year.

Andrew had such an amazing teacher this year.  We're really going to miss Mrs. Knight next year but we feel incredibly blessed Andrew was in her class!

Look at these two friends...such cuteness!

We're so proud of Andrew and all he has learned this year.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

First Grade Lemonade War

All the first grade classes at Julia's school read the book The Lemonade War by Jacqueline Davies.  As a culminating activity the classes had their own lemonade war to see who could sell the most lemonade and make the most money.  It was advertised to the rest of the school to come and buy lemonade and the cost was either 50 cents or $1.00 depending on which stand you went to.  I was lucky enough to help out with selling lemonade for Julia's class and both my kids brought $2.00 of their own money to buy some lemonade too.

Julia's class sold lemonade snow ones which were a huge hit with the kids.

Helping out and having a blast!  We sold lemonade from 9-12:30 so all the classes in the school could come and have a chance to buy lemonade from the different stands.

Andrew enjoying a cup of lemonade.

Julia loved helping out selling the lemonade.

All the kids in the class got a chance to come out and help for 15-20 minutes.  Julia and Addison were working partners and they did awesome!  I love the look on their faces when they saw how much money we made thus far.  

Two girls working hard and having a blast.  One of the dads in Julia's class made the lemonade stand which turned out absolutely awesome!

Now Julia is ready to have her own lemonade stand this summer.

 Taking a break for a photo!  These two girls did so awesome!

 It was absolute chaos so I had to take a photo of the craziness.

More craziness!  The line for snow cone lemonade was a bit long at times.

More craziness and some of the other lemonade stands.

Another lemonade stand.

Cute little stand.

Another stand where the kids are waving and having a blast.

Another lemonade stand.  The whole first grade made about $1300 that morning and Julia's class made the most money with $320.00.  It really was a fun morning and I'm so glad I was a part of it.