Saturday, August 2, 2014

Sandestin...Day 3

Thomas was all excited about kayaking but I was all excited about bike riding.  Whenever I go on a beach vacation I love being able to go for a ride.  We didn't bother bringing our own bikes since it was a short trip and it was just our own family so there wouldn't be much opportunity to go for a ride so it was great they offered complementary bikes everyday for 4 hours.  Julia and I headed out for a bike ride while the boys went kayaking.

Julia and I even went on a little trail which was kinda hard for her so we went back to the smooth sidewalks.

We managed to get back in time to see the boys return from kayaking.

Then we headed to the pool for lots of pool time.

Julia and Andrew absolutely loved the pool and Julia could really go anywhere in the pool and felt quite comfortable.  She used her kick board some and did tons of swimming underwater.

For dinner we decided to drive about 20 minutes to Seaside and check out the town since the man who developed Seaside also developed Vickery near us. We thought it would be cool to see it and check out somewhere new.  It was definitely a super cute town and we had such a great dinner!

Daddy loved his oysters but the rest of us wouldn't eat them.

All finished with dinner and ready to go check out some shops and ice cream for dessert.  

Love this smiley girl.

He looks so stinkin' cute with his hat backwards.

The beach at Seaside was beautiful!  We may need to stay there at some point in the future!

We had to check out the beach and it was great just like the town.

Hanging out and relaxing on the beach a little after dinner.  What another wonderful day!


  1. Loved the pic. of Julia and Thomas, she is sooo cute. Also, how nice that Thomas and Andrew did a boy type of thing together, out kayaking.

  2. I almost forgot I loved the pic of Andrew with the hat, those blue eyes are going to be chick magnets for him in later life.
