Thursday, August 7, 2014

Julia's First Day of Kindergarten

Hard to believe but the first day of elementary school arrived!  Julia is more than ready academically for Kindergarten but this Mommy isn't ready for my little girl to be growing up so fast.  Even though she went to preschool this milestone is harder to swallow since it's everyday, all day.  She was definitely excited about going to school since she knows three other girls in her class but also a little nervous.

The sign says she wants to be a mom and a singer when she grows up.

Love those big blue eyes shinning through.

Heavy backpack with all her supplies.

Julia is going to be a car rider this year...lucky me.  I get to spend even more time with my sweet girl.

Ready to go in but she definitely looks nervous to me.

Kelly Mill Elementary opened just two years ago and we feel so blessed to be in a nice new school with lots of positive energy for learning.

Love how she has her own cubby for her backpack and her things.

I was so glad to see such a huge smile when I picked her up.  When I asked how her day was she said, "GREAT!" with such enthusiasm.  It made my day when she told me how much she loved it and I especially appreciated all the details she shared about her day.

Andrew and I went out during the day and got her a little present for her first day.

Love her facial expression.  She was thrilled to get a gift from American Girl and she was so kind to let Andrew open the other present.

Julia definitely has a level of excitement like no other.

Special first day of school blizzard treat from Dairy Queen.

I feel so incredibly lucky to be Julia's Mommy.

Daddy joined us for our special treat which was an added bonus.  We couldn't be any happier with Julia's first day of school...she LOVED it!  We're looking forward to a year full of fun and learning.  I'd be lying if I said I didn't cry but I just couldn't help it but at least I didn't let Julia see me upset.  I'm just really going to miss having her around as much because I truly love being with my kids.

1 comment:

  1. Such a special day, and you captured all the beautiful, special parts of the day, so we can look back in years to come and think about Julia's first day!
