Friday, August 29, 2014

Open House for Andrew

Andrew will be starting preschool in just a few short days.  He's going to Cumming First Baptist Preschool which is where Julia went and we're so excited he has the same teachers Julia had when she started there in the 3 year old class.  He'll be going to school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9-1 and eating a snack and lunch there.  I sure am going to miss my little guy...he's been my side kick since he was born over three years ago.  However, I'm so excited for him to experience all the fun things he's seen Julia get to do at school and now it's his turn.

Sporting his shades!  Thanks to my mom for his super cute outfit!

All ready to meet his teachers.

Andrew's teacher Ms. Marjorie is one of the sweetest teachers ever.  Julia was in her class two years ago and had such an amazing year!  I was hoping Andrew would be in her class and we're so thankful it has worked out that way.  He's going to have such a great start to his schooling!  

Working on his teddy bear to tell more about him!

Coloring the eyes his favorite color which is green and yes my little guy is a lefty.

There are 12 kids in Andrew's class with 6 boys and 6 girls which is absolutely perfect.  Lots of new friends for Andrew to meet.

Andrew was thrilled about his popcorn treat from his teachers.  I'm definitely excited for him to start school but obviously a bit sad too!

1 comment:

  1. He's all ready to go, time flies, it seems like yesterday Julia was calling him "Baby Andrew".
