Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter

This year for Easter is was just the four of us and despite not celebrating with our extended families we had such a wonderful time together enjoying each other.  The morning started out with an egg hunt and of course searching for their baskets.  Lots of eggs were hidden this year and one was even under the table.

Since Julia hadn't found her basket yet she had a big collection on the table.

Andrew hit the jackpot when he looked behind the couch...not only did he find an egg but he also found his basket too.  

Andrew was quick to look at the goodies in his basket but I managed to get one photo before it was all taken apart.

Putting all his eggs in his basket.

Off to find some more eggs.

It took a while but Julia finally found her basket behind the curtain.

She was so excited about getting the next book in a series we've been reading about fairies.

Andrew was very excited about his rocket blast-off toy he got in his Easter basket.

It's really an outside toy but we checked it out in the foyer to see how high it would go.

Julia and Andrew did great during church.  Of course we didn't get a seat and we were even in the lobby watching it on a TV but we made the best of it.

Back at home for some photos on the deck.

Love these two!

Sibling kiss!

These two are so sweet!

Being silly!

Another silly one!

And look at this silly face!

Family photo on the deck.  Such a busy and fun day together!

Family photo in our backyard.

Andrew got this little parachute man for going poop on the potty and Julia and Andrew loved having Daddy throw it up and try to catch it.

We're ready!

All smiles and ready to color eggs.

First egg she colored was pink of course.

Good balancing for Andrew!

Hard at work coloring eggs.

Wow, Julia looks so grown up in this picture.  Hope you had a blessed Easter and thought about all the things you're thankful for in your life...I know I did!

1 comment:

  1. I love the "kiss". And, yes, Julia looks very grown up. You guys had a busy day.
