Saturday, April 5, 2014

Aunt Kimberly and Cousins Visit

We were beyond excited to have my sister and her two kids visit us during our Spring Break and so thrilled to have the cousins spend time together along with hanging out with my sister.  Julia insisted on going to the airport with me to pick them up even though their flight didn't come in until 9 pm. Late night for sure!

Sweet Alexander wanted to give Julia a hug!

It was a late night for everyone except Andrew who stayed home with Thomas and was asleep by the time we got back from the airport.  Julia ABSOLUTELY loved Victoria and would be thrilled if we had another baby.

Everyone was all excited once we got home and Alexander was busy working on his new sticker book despite it being around 10:45.

The next day I took Julia, Andrew and Alexander to the park to meet up with Julia's friend while Victoria was home taking a nap after being up late.

Julia and her best buddy Grace at the park.

Julia insisted on saying good morning to Victoria as soon as she woke up.  Two pretty girls!  

The kids loved hearing Aunt Kim read them books as compared to always hearing stories from mom and dad.

We had such great weather the week they were here and we even headed to Dairy Queen for a treat since we tried Chill Hill but it was closed.

Andrew is a big fan of ice cream...he definitely takes after my dad who had some ice cream just about everyday.

It was great meeting up with Julia's friend Grace and her sister Ava again.

Me and cute little Victoria.  She is such a happy baby.  Can't wait to see her at Disney!

Victoria was at the end of her ropes and ready for a nap and it was so cute how my kids tried to comfort her by saying 'It's okay' and 'Don't cry.'

Look at this pretty girl!  It was so fun having a baby around the house again since mine are growing up rather quickly.

Julia loved holding Victoria.

Alexander was a big fan of the spray bottle.  He definitely needs one of these at home.  My kids are big fans of them too and play with them sometimes forever.

Never easy getting a photo of four kids especially since everyone wanted to help hold Victoria.

Julia and Victoria chillin' on the back deck.

My sister and I with our kiddos.  Julia (5 years old), Alexander (3 years old), Andrew (2 years old) and Victoria (6 1/2 months).  So thankful for such a great visit!

1 comment:

  1. That little Victoria is so pretty!!! I feel bad for her she got mauled by the love of the older ones! So cute.
